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Discover why Learning People partners with CompTIA, the trusted leader in IT certifications worldwide. Gain exclusive access to career-ready courses like CompTIA A+, Network+, and Data+, designed to build technical skills that employers value. Unlock your potential with certifications that set you apart in tech, cybersecurity, data, and beyond.

Why are we partnered with CompTIA?

Learning People is proud to hold a Platinum Partnership with CompTIA, the world’s leading association for IT certifications for career growth, providing globally recognised qualifications that set the benchmark for technical excellence. With over 2.5 million certifications issued worldwide, CompTIA has a longstanding reputation for empowering IT professionals at every stage of their careers, from entry-level to advanced roles.

CompTIA’s certifications—spanning essentials like CompTIA A+, Network+, and Data+—are trusted by employers around the world to validate crucial competencies in areas such as data analytics, networking, and cybersecurity.

Through our collaboration with CompTIA, we ensure that Learning People students gain not only technical skills but also the confidence to meet industry demands in a rapidly evolving tech fields. CompTIA certifications emphasise hands-on learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving—key attributes for anyone aiming to stand out in the labour market.

Empower your career with Learning People and CompTIA, where world-class training meets globally recognised credentials to open doors across the tech industry.

Join thousands of IT professionals advancing their careers with CompTIA certifications. Enrol with Learning People today.

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Career-ready education. Get the skills you need for the career you want.

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