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Exam Policy

Policy Objective: 

The objective of this policy is to outline the responsibilities and obligations of students concerning examination vouchers purchased by 'Learning People' and to define the scenarios where 'Learning People' cannot provide an examination. This policy ensures clarity and sets expectations for all parties involved in the examination process.



As an online self-directed learning provider for certifications in the field of digital and technology, project management and business transformation Learning People's exam processes may vary depending on the chosen career pathway. For specific information about the examination process for your courses, please refer to your Student Handbook or contact your StudentCare Consultant for further assistance.

All examinations are conducted by third-party agencies, typically the certifying body. For details on how examinations are administered, please refer to the regulations outlined by the appropriate exam vendor on their website.


1 | Definition

Test Prep:

Students must complete the test preparation requirements and achieve the pass rate percentage outlined in the Terms & Conditions within two weeks of an exam request. Test preparation is designed to assess your knowledge and readiness for the examination but does not replicate official exam questions.

Exam Eligibility Criteria:

Students must meet all eligibility criteria outlined in Learning People’s Terms and Conditions, including completing mandatory course materials, practical components, and test preparations, before requesting an examination.

Exam Vendor:

Vendors are responsible for providing logistical support and overseeing the administrative tasks related to the examination. This includes setting up examination centres, managing registration processes, and coordinating the distribution of examination materials.

Exam Proctors/Invigilators:

Responsible for conducting the examination sessions, either remotely or in-person, ensuring the integrity and fairness of the examination process.


2 | Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities:

  • Ensure all exam eligibility criteria are met before requesting an exam voucher.
  • Follow general exam etiquette: Arrive on time for the exam.
  • For remote exams, ensure any pre-testing procedures are followed to verify device compatibility and adequate internet connectivity.
  • Find a quiet and private space to take the exam without interruptions.
  • Consent to monitoring throughout the exam via webcam and microphone (for remote exams) or in person.
  • Provide official identification as required by the exam vendor.
  • Do not take breaks unless permitted by the exam proctor.
  • Only have allowable exam materials, as specified by the exam vendor, in your immediate surroundings during the exam.
  • Maintain professional behaviour towards exam proctors/invigilators.
  • Address any concerns regarding the exam directly with the exam vendor.
  • Note that Learning People cannot guarantee exam availability either remotely or in a testing centre, nor can it ensure the proximity of a testing centre to your place of residence.

Learning People Responsibilities:

  • Provide support and guidance on exam eligibility and preparation.
  • Assist in the scheduling and administrative processes related to exam vouchers.
  • Communicate any updates or changes to exam procedures in a timely manner.


3 | Exam Requests

To request an initial exam voucher, please note the following:

  • Make the request within your enrolment period.
  • Complete all Test Prep requirements as outlined in the Definitions and our Terms & Conditions.
  • If you are paying for your study programme with us though our instalment plan, all payments must be up to date.
  • Provided us with the results of any previous exams taken.


4 | Exam Resits

In the event that you do not pass your exam on your first attempt, to request a resit exam voucher, please note the following:

  • Make the request within your enrolment period.
  • If you are paying for your study programme with us though our instalment plan, all payments must be up to date.
  • Resit exam vouchers can only be supplied by Learning People where a free resit is provided for the course they are studying in their career pathway.
  • Students must comply with any exam cool down periods as outlined in the exam vendor's policy.
  • Students should provide Learning People with an original copy of the examination transcript within five days of a failed exam.
  • Re-complete the necessary Test Prep before the issuance of a resit voucher.
  • Understand that resits are processed within standard timescales and do not take precedence over new exam requests.
  • Only in extenuating circumstances will a exam resit voucher be issued where a student has failed to attend an exam. We may require evidence of this extenuating circumstance.


5 | Requests for Changes or Adjustments to Your Exam

  • Students requiring special arrangements must inform the exam vendor upon scheduling or within the vendor's specified timeframe.
  • If unable to attend a scheduled exam, students should contact the exam vendor for rescheduling or other assistance.
  • For technical issues during the exam, students must raise a support ticket with the appropriate exam vendor immediately, as Learning People cannot assist with third-party exam issues.


6 | Exam Materials

  • For open-book exams, allowable resources will be specified and made available prior to the exam.
  • If physical copies of resources are required, the cost will be borne by the student.
  • While handbooks can be useful, all necessary information for success is provided within the course materials.


7 | Exam Updates

  • Exams are regularly updated to maintain accreditation and industry relevance.
  • Any changes will be notified through course materials on the platform.
  • During transitions, content for the latest exam version may not be fully available until the previous version expires.
  • Students do not need to restart their course if updates occur during their progress; they should continue with their current course to avoid delays.


Last date updated: June 2024

Policy owner: Learning People

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