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Career Advice

A guide to optimising your CV

Optimise your CV with expert tips on formatting, personal statements, skills, and experience to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Whether you're actively searching for a new job, expanding your professional network, or just getting your life admin done, your CV is the first impression you make on potential employers. Here are some key tips from our Career Services team to help you optimise your CV and make it stand out.

Format matters

Did you know that recruiters typically spend only 6-13 seconds skimming a CV? With such a short window to make an impact, it's crucial to format your CV in a way that is both visually appealing and easy to read. Aim for a concise 2 pages; anything longer risks losing the reader's attention. Choose a clean, sans serif font like Arial or Calibri, and limit your use of font styles to two at most to maintain a consistent and professional appearance.

Balance is key in CV design. Keep the body text in a 10-12 point font and set section titles just one point larger to create a clear hierarchy. White space is another crucial element as it helps break up text and makes your CV more readable. However, be mindful not to overdo it; too much white space can make your CV look underdeveloped. While you’ve focusing on format, bear in mind that poor formatting can be confusing for HR systems that automatically interpret CVs.

Curating a strong personal statement

Your personal statement is a concise 4-6 sentence overview that serves as the elevator pitch of your CV. Start by briefly outlining your background, including any relevant certifications or qualifications. Next, highlight your core skills, focusing on those that are transferable across industries and those specific to the role you're targeting. Conclude by clearly stating the position you are seeking and how your experience aligns with it. This section should be tailored for each job application to ensure it resonates with the specific role and company.

Highlighting core skills

Your core skills section is where you showcase the hard and soft skills you've acquired through education, work experience, and personal development. Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities, such as coding languages, graphic design, or data analysis, that directly relate to your desired role. Make sure these are tailored to the job you're applying for, as this will demonstrate your suitability for the position.

Equally important are your soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. These interpersonal traits are invaluable across industries, as they enhance your ability to work effectively in diverse environments. Highlighting a balance of both hard and soft skills will show employers that you're not only technically capable but also adaptable and able to thrive in various professional settings.

Structuring your work experience

Your work experience is arguably the most important section of your CV. To make it easy for recruiters to scan, divide this section into individual roles and use 4-6 bullet points for each position. These bullet points should focus on the soft skills outlined in your core skills section, along with specific achievements in each role.

Start each bullet point with a strong action verb relevant to your industry, such as ‘managed’ or ‘led’. This approach helps you quickly convey the impact you had in each position. A good rule of thumb is to detail your experience from the last 10 years or your five most recent roles.

Including additional information

Finally, don’t forget to include a section for additional information. This is where you can share a bit about your personal interests, hobbies, and any non-work-related achievements. This section allows employers to see you as a well-rounded individual and can sometimes tip the scales in your favour by making you a more memorable candidate.

Optimising your CV is an essential step in your job search. By following these tips, you'll create a CV that not only captures the attention of recruiters but also effectively showcases your skills and experience. For more career advice and personalised support, visit our Career Services page to see how we can help you maximise your chances of employment after your studies.

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