Course overview
Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)
The SSCP certification is recognised internationally as a benchmark for IT security expertise and is designed to validate the knowledge and skills necessary to implement, monitor and administer IT infrastructure. Covering various topics such as access controls, risk identification, cryptography and security architecture, this course is a valuable credential for IT professionals who want to excel in this field.
Systems Security Certified Practitioners benefit from a global network of certified members and valuable resources and support to help them continually develop and advance in their careers.
What you'll learn
- Topics
During the course, you’ll cover a range of topics relating to IT Systems Security. The topics included are:
Basic Security ConceptsSecurity ControlsAsset & Change Management LifecyclesPhysical Security OperationsUnderstanding & Applying CryptographySecure Protocols & Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)Authentication & Trust ArchitecturesIdentity Management & Access Control ModelsRisk ManagementSecurity & Vulnerability AssessmentIncident Response & ForensicsBusiness Continuity PlanningFundamental Networking ConceptsNetwork Attacks & CountermeasuresSecure Wireless CommunicationMalware & CountermeasuresEndpoint Protection & Mobile Device ManagementSecure Virtual & Cloud Environments
Your assessment will take 240 minutes to complete and features 150 multiple-choice and performance-based questions.
CertificationUpon successfully passing the exam, you’ll be awarded your Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification. This is a digital certificate.
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)
Study time
30 guided learning hours
1 x 240 minute exam, 150 questions
Internet access and email
1+ years experience in 1+ of relevant SSCP domains, this can be accrued after passing the exam
Ideal for
Senior Network Security Engineers, Senior Security Systems Analysts or Senior Security Administrators
Student support
Our StudentCare™ team will give you the support and guidance you need every step of your learning journey.
Career Services
Tailored and focused career support from our team of career experts, who will help you navigate the job market with confidence and land that dream job.
What's included
When you enrol with Learning People, you get so much more than just a course.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accessCV and LinkedIn supporteBooks, Video Lessons, and Practice examsExpert support and mentoringLearning People Alumni membershipAward-winning StudentCare™ team
Learn the Learning People way
Why become a Systems Security Certified Practitioner?
The Systems Security Certified Practitioner course is a globally recognised certification offered by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)² who are the world’s leading cyber security professional organisation. Earning the SSCP certification is valuable towards career progressions and demonstrates that you have a comprehensive understanding of information security policies and procedures that ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability.
What our students say
Rahul Virdi | Network Engineer
Thank you so much for helping me to switch my career from Hospitality to IT
I don’t think without [my Career Consultant's] help I would have been successful in my Network Engineer interview.
Zack Foreman | QA Security Specialist
Thank you, Learning People! I couldn’t have done it without you!
I’m proud to say that I landed the job and am starting my new career in Cyber Security at 42.

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Average salary after completing
You can earn an average of $200,000.00+ a year
You can earn an average of $200,000.00+ a year