Course overview
CompTIA Network+
The CompTIA Network+ certification is a highly regarded entry-level certification that opens doors to various network administration and IT roles. Gain practical skills and become proficient in working with a wide range of hardware, software, and networks.
The demand for CompTIA Network+ professionals continues to grow, offering you abundant opportunities to explore and excel in the IT world.
What you'll learn
- TopicsOSI model layers & data encapsulationCables & connectorsIP addressing schemes and subnettingWell-known ports & protocolsNetwork services & data centre architecturesCloud conceptsEthernet switching & wireless standardsNetwork operationsDisaster recoverySecurity concepts & threatsPhysical security & network hardeningNetwork troubleshooting
Your assessment will take 90 minutes to complete and features 90 multiple-choice and performance-based questions.
CertificationUpon successfully passing the examination, you’ll receive your CompTIA Network+ certification. This is a digital certificate.
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
CompTIA Network+
Study time
80 guided learning hours
1 x 90 minute exam, 90 questions
Internet access and email
No formal prerequisites
Ideal for
Individuals looking for a career in IT infrastructure, security or cloud operations
Student support
Study guidance and support throughout your entire learning journey with us from real people.
Career Services
Tailored and focused career support from our team of career experts, who will help you navigate the job market with confidence and land that dream job.
What's Included
Professional development that works around you.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accesseBooks, video lessons, and practice examsExpert support and mentoringInteractive practice labsCV and LinkedIn supportLearning People Alumni membershipAward winning StudentCare™ team
Learn the Learning People way
Why learn to become CompTIA Network+ certified?
This well-respected certification demonstrates your networking expertise to employers, paving the way for career advancement and access to more specialised certifications.
What our students say
Rahul Virdi | Network Engineer
Thank you so much for helping me to switch my career from Hospitality to IT
I don’t think without [my Career Consultant's] help I would have been successful in my Network Engineer interview.
Zack Foreman | QA Security Specialist
Thank you, Learning People! I couldn’t have done it without you!
I’m proud to say that I landed the job and am starting my new career in Cyber Security at 42.