Course overview
Application Developer to Blockchain Solutions Architect
Transitioning from an Application Developer to a Blockchain Solutions Architect is an exciting and rewarding career move as Blockchain is fast becoming the preferred global solution for secure distribution in supply chain management.
This professionally curated course will give you a solid understanding of Blockchain technology, hands-on experience with Blockchain Development and help you develop the skills required to become an expert Blockchain Solutions Architect.
What you'll learn
- TopicsAn introduction to blockchains and ethereumBlockchain application developerBlockchain smart contracts programmerBlockchain engineerBlockchain solutions architectSmart contract developmentHyperledgerCloud blockchains
Your assessment will be comprised of 4 60-minute online multiple-choice exams.
CertificationOn successfully passing the Application Developer to Blockchain Solutions Architect exam, you’ll be awarded your certificate of completion. This is a digital certificate.
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
Application Developer to Blockchain Solutions Architect
Study time
78 guided learning hours (Full time: 1 - 2 months, Part time: 3 - 4 months)
4 x 60 minute exams
Internet access and email
No formal prerequisites
Ideal for
Anyone wanting to progress from coding and app development to blockchain solutions
Student support
Study guidance and support throughout your entire learning journey with us from real people.
Career Services
Tailored and focused career support from our team of career experts, who will help you navigate the job market with confidence and land that dream job.
What's included
When you enrol with Learning People, you get so much more than just a course.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accesseBooks and video lessonsExpert support and mentoringInteractive practice labsCV and LinkedIn supportLearning People Alumni membershipAward winning StudentCare™ team
Learn the Learning People way
Why become a Blockchain Solutions Architect?
Blockchain Solutions Architects are a critical asset to many organisations. Blockchain allows you to differentiate your organisation from the competition with secure distribution for supply chain management, medical records, manufacturing, retail, and more.
What our students say
Rahul Virdi | Network Engineer
Thank you so much for helping me to switch my career from Hospitality to IT
I don’t think without [my Career Consultant's] help I would have been successful in my Network Engineer interview.
Zack Foreman | QA Security Specialist
Thank you, Learning People! I couldn’t have done it without you!
I’m proud to say that I landed the job and am starting my new career in Cyber Security at 42.