How to get started in Ethical Hacking
Pursuing a certification in Ethical Hacking can provide you with the essential expertise and understanding to embark on a successful career in Cyber Security. This proficiency unlocks a multitude of job prospects that might otherwise remain inaccessible. Ethical hacking certifications hold international recognition as they address skill standards applicable across diverse sectors. Not sure where to start? Speak to one of our Careers Consultants today.
Average salary after completing
You can earn an average of $160,000 a year
You can earn an average of $160,000 a year

We are accredited by or partnered with
50,000+ learning assets
Our expansive training library means you have the tools you need to learn in the way that best suits your needs.
97% employment success
Complete our Career Services three-phase process and enjoy a 97% success rate in securing your new role.
40,000+ students
We've had over 40,000 students successfully complete our training and move on to new heights