CompTIA are updating the A+ Core 1 1101 and Core 2 1102 exams from April 2025. The new exams for A+ will be Core 1 1201 and Core 2 1202.
Students who wish to sit the current A+ exams, have until 20th October 2025 to complete both of their exams. This includes first-time exam takers and resits, as the current exams will no longer be available after this date. We have been informed CompTIA will make no exceptions to this rule.
Please read the FAQs below for more information.
If you are studying the current version you must complete your training, test prep and sit your exam by 20th October 2025
Yes, we have provisional release dates of March 2025 for Core 1 1201 and April 2025 for Core 2 1202 and we will provide that free of charge to students who have the current courses.
When it is published we will provide you with the change document. If you wish to move over to the new content when it is released you simply need to complete the end of module tests on the new training to discover gaps in your knowledge between the new and old versions.
No, unfortunately to gain the A+ certification you cannot mix versions.
We are advising all candidates who would like the opportunity for a resit, to take their exam before 1st October 2025. We would also recommend that you allow sufficient time for other retakes if required.
20th October 2025. Exam session slots may become harder to book near the 20th October deadline. So we would recommend that you allow sufficient time for any retakes if required.
Yes, you will continue to have access to your training until the expiry of your licence.
You will have until the expiry date of the voucher or 20th October 2025 whichever is soonest to use the voucher.
Please continue with your studies but please note you cannot gain your A+ certification without passing Core 1 1101 and Core 2 1102 or Core 1 1201 and Core 2 1202.
We will provide training for the new certifications as soon as it is available but please note you cannot sit Core 2 1202 unless you have passed Core 1 1201.
You can continue to study the current version until the new training becomes available and then switch to that.
Yes. For anyone who completes their training we can provide a Certificate of Completion.
This change has been imposed by CompTIA and is out of our control. Through the provision of approved training, notice of the changes for no extra charge, we are fulfilling our consumer duties.
No, the exam format will not change.
No, CompTIA has stated that the only valid pre-requisite for Core 2 1202 is Core 1 1201. You cannot mix versions.