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Career Advice

The importance of upskilling

The current working arena is one full of bright eyes and competition. Upskilling is a word that’s been thrown about in the world of work for a while, but what is the importance of upskilling and what does it really mean?

Upskilling - what does it really mean?

The importance of upskilling or reskilling has never been more emphasised than in the current employment climate. While learning new skills to embark on new career pathways is not exactly a new concept, with the employment and economic crisis only threatening to worsen, having more than one string to your bow is certainly a smart move. 

While these days we may have traded in our pencils for touchscreens and papers for PCs, the end goal remains the same – the importance of keeping both your knowledge and skills up to date is crucial to achieving workplace success. No matter what’s going on in the outside world, there’s no reason to stop your own personal learning and progress. Then, come what may, you can place yourself in the best possible position. 


Upskilling vs reskilling - what’s the difference?

While upskilling refers to building upon skills you already have, and therefore becoming more proficient and advanced in your current career, reskilling means learning new skills from scratch. So if you have a foundation of knowledge that you want to build upon, then upskilling is for you, whereas if you are looking to change your career path completely, then reskilling is what you’ll need to do. 


The importance of upskilling in our current climate

In a world of uncertainty with a job market following the same suit, there couldn’t be a better time to review your job experience and look at gaining some new career skills. Upskilling may include grabbing the opportunity to improve your skillset in your current area, or you could consider a complete career overhaul by reskilling. 

From software development to project management or the innovative world of cyber security, no matter your area of expertise, why not make this the time to challenge yourself and keep your CV looking fresh for whatever future opportunities may arise? 

Want to learn more? Let us take you through the importance of keeping your professional skills up to date. 


Why is now the ideal time to upskill or reskill?

It’s always a good time to dust off your existing skill set and branch out into new avenues. In fact, stats show that up to 1.4 million workers will need reskilling by 2026. So why not be one of the ones to get ahead of the game? The importance of Continuing Professional Development – CPD – should never be dismissed. It’s critical when trying to keep up with the curve and to future-proof your employability. Since 2020 times of uncertainty have hit us all hard, and there is no doubting that rapid change is required to protect our work life in such an evolving landscape. Not to mention the fact that the current employment arena has shifted - some industries have a surplus of workers, whereas others, such as cybersecurity jobs, are woefully understaffed. This means that the importance of upskilling and personally evolving in line with demand is even greater than ever before. 


How easy is it to upskill or reskill?

Depending on your new chosen career path, there will be various companies that can offer training and classes, and these can play a vital role in maintaining current job knowledge as well as evolving practices. These companies can also help you climb the internal ranks, find progression elsewhere, or switch up your working world entirely. 

Online certification can be an effective and timely method to equip you with the relevant skills and knowledge you need to progress or embark on a new career path. Because online courses can typically be taken at your own pace, and always remotely, this means there is much more flexibility for individuals looking to upskill or reskill. 


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How can a certification help your employability?

The benefits of online training and certifications know no bounds. While it makes good sense for your employer to keep you well-oiled and up to date with their policies, a smart employee will also take matters into their own hands. Progression comes to those who are proactive, so take the time to consider areas which interest you, and do your research around the various courses and qualifications you can take to become skilled in that area. 

Here are some other ways in which upskilling and reskilling can help to improve your employability: 

  • The opportunity for a big promotion 
  • Embarking on a new career in a new organisation 
  • Climbing the ranks more quickly 
  • Securing a higher salary 
  • Ensuring you are an invaluable member of your team 
  • Increasing job security 
  • Developing a missing skill-set 
  • Gaining practical experience 
  • Landing your dream career 

Obtaining a certification will equip you with in-demand skills, and demonstrate commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism to a current or potential new employer. Taking part in an online course is the ideal way to expand your current capabilities or to kickstart a whole new role. 


How do you get ahead of the game?

The first step for upskilling or focusing on career development is to take a look at job descriptions in the field you’re interested in.  Doing so can give you a valuable insight into just what skills and knowledge employers are looking for. Once you have a firm understanding of the skill set you need, find a course that matches up. 

Are you hoping for a higher salary? Take some time to look at your current CV and identify where there are skill and knowledge gaps that are acting as blockers and preventing you from taking those next steps in your career. By establishing a firm understanding of what it is you need to get out of an online course, you’ll be able to ascertain which kind of training will benefit you most. 

While there is no denying that the last few years have presented some challenging times, because of them, many of us have begun to rethink our current positions and have become inspired to make changes. So what are you waiting for? Your time for career development is now. There has never been a better time to plunge into a new career. So get upskilling and enhance your employability today 

Get in touch with the friendly Learning People team to see how you can make the most out of your career with our expert range of courses. We understand better than anyone the importance of upskilling and reskilling when the time is right, and we’re passionate about helping you take that next step in your career.

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