Course overview
Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900
The Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 certification is an entry-level qualification offered by Microsoft.
Microsoft Azure is utilised globally, enabling companies to build, deploy and test applications. Demonstrate your value to an organisation by becoming familiar with Microsoft Azure and how it can facilitate the success of a business.
What you'll learn
- TopicsData workloadsData analyticsRelational data workloadsRelational data managementProvisioning & configuring relational data servicesAzure SQL querying techniquesNon-relational data servicesAzure Cosmos DBAzure analytics workloadsAzure data visualisationModern data warehousing
Your assessment will take 120 minutes to complete and feature 40-60 multiple-choice questions.
CertificationUpon successfully passing the examination, you’ll receive your Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 certification. This is a digital certificate.
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900
Study time
20 hours
1x 120 minute exam featuring 40-60 multiple-choice questions
Internet access and email
No formal prerequisites
Ideal for
Individuals studying the Data Analyst to Data Scientist pathway
Student support
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Leap Careers is designed to connect our students with specific job opportunities from a wide range of partner employers, helping you take that all-important first step into a shiny new role.
What's included
When you enrol with Learning People, you get so much more than just a course.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accesseBooks and video lessonsExpert support and mentoringCV and LinkedIn supportJob opportunities from our employer networkLearning People Alumni membershipPractice questionsPractical lab trainingDigital badges of completionAward winning StudentCare™ team12 month access to the on-demand platform
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Why become certified in Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900?
Microsoft Azure is becoming increasingly popular for Cloud infrastructure and services, resulting in a growing demand for specialists knowledgeable in Azure. By learning the fundamentals, individuals can advance their careers and increase job opportunities.
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Rahul Virdi | Network Engineer
Thank you so much for helping me to switch my career from Hospitality to IT
I don’t think without [my Career Consultant's] help I would have been successful in my Network Engineer interview.
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I’m proud to say that I landed the job and am starting my new career in Cyber Security at 42.

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Average salary after completing
You can earn an average of $120,000 a year
You can earn an average of $120,000 a year